Words & I

Me gusta creer que puedo jugar con las palabras, pero ellas siempre me vencen, ellas siempre juegan conmigo. Su juego es intransigente, indiscreto, impertinente, audaz, presuntuoso, honesto. Esta es su carta ganadora: corren por mis venas y conocen cada una de mis esquinas, cada lugar escondido, salen sin fingir, no les importa hora y protocolos. Ellas, que por tanto tiempo han sido sofocadas, solo quieren respirar con libertad.

I like to think I have my way with words, but they always defeat me, they always find their way with me. Their way is always uncompromising, indiscreet, impertinent, audacious, presumptuous, honest. This is their winning card: they run through my veins and know my every corners, my every hidden inches, they go out and don’t pretend, they don’t care about time and protocols. They, who’ve been stifled for so long, just want to breathe free.

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